Thursday 10 November 2016

Community Service Initiative (Susanti 0316895)




The main point of CSI (Community Service Initiative) subject is all about engaging with people. Because nowadays students or youngster seem do not really good in communication or engaging with people after most of the answers can get in internet. Second, it is voluntary work to help social or do something that can help social use or activity.

Activity work log

We have to complete 30 hours for this project, but time is not the matter, is the matter of volunteers' willingness. We are divided into 4 groups and we are in the Pusat Penyayang Bakti for the exterior task. The location for exterior is old folk home, where elders are being looked after. So, this is our chance to design something that can be used and can be an extra activity for the elders.
19 October 2016
At first, we discussed what we were going to design for PPB (Pusat Penyayang Bakti) and we were helped by our lecturers as well, because by that time, we had not been to the place and what we had only pictures. We came out with outdoor furniture while we are in exterior group and we thinking to make something that can be their activities which is flower bottle pot, so they can take care of the new flower with new kind of outcome.
The furniture is made from ventilation blocks and wood planks are coated with lacquer.
The bottle plant is from 1.5 liter drinking water coated with colour spray paint. The colours that we choose are pastel colours which can calm one's’ feeling. From that we cut the it and put plant inside.

21 October 2016
We went to the site with interior group to present our ideas. We met Ms.Aniza who is in charge of center development and presented our works to her. It was short presentation and she straight away accepted our ideas which she thinks very interesting and will be something new for elders there. After we presented, they provided van for driving us to the site and measure. We were going to design the furniture near a gazebo that has existed at there and the flowers we were going to decorate it around the gazebo to reduce heat of sun and would attract people to sit around there because there are going to have something that they can take care of.
26 October 2016
We met up for short meetings to discuss what we have had after we went to the site. By that day, Ms.Aniza texted our leader to start doing with what we were  going to propose. We confirmed the size and which area we going to propose the furniture also the flower bottle pot. We also discussed when and where we going to buy all the things that required.

28 October 2016
After everything has confirmed and arranged by our leader (Tay yii min), we went to buy materials and the flowers that located at kepong. We met up in the afternoon and drove to one of our group member that will bring us around kepong area to find all the materials.
Flower Bottle Pot
·         Rope (100m)
·         Recycle Bottles (60pcs)
·         Soil
·         Plants
·         Spray Paint
·         Joint Wood (2pcs)
·         Fertilizer
·         Nails

·         Ventilation Blocks (4pcs)
·         Wood planks (2pcs)
·         Cement
·         Sand
·         Lacquer

29 October 2016
For the flower bottle pot, we did the cutting and spraying at our campus. Firstly, we cleaned all the bottles then discussed how it can be hooked to the gazebo, how the plant can fit in the bottle. After the measurements are settled, we divided job, some people drill the hole, some do the marking, some do the cutting and after done cutting, bring it to spray. On that day, it was rainy day that caused some of the bottles’ colour blurry. After the bottle dried, we tie the bottles with rope according to the measurements and colour arrangements. We spent whole day in campus just to make the bottle for the flowers. But we didn’t put the plants, because it was going to be done on site.

30 October 2016
It was the day where all of us went to the site to do the whole thing. At first, we move out all the thing from car and lift it to the location. We realized that the surface was not flat and full of grass, so we started to cut the grass first to make it looked tidier. We divided job, some people do the furniture and some people do the flower bottle pot. For the furniture, we have to mix the cement with sand and water. After that we applied it on the ventilation block to joint the blocks together to reach the height of the chair which have to be comfortable when sit. While waiting it to dry, we were smoothened the wood plank with sandpaper and apply the lacquer on it. After it dried, we applied some cement in the whole of the blocks and slot in the wood planks in the whole, so it can be moved which is safe for them.
For the flower bottle pot, we divided the plants and mix few plants in 1bottle, so the gazebo will look more alive with different kinds of flowers. We mixed the soil with coffee in the plant for fertiliser. It smelled good. While mixing the plants, one member of the group that is me, did the nailing on the wood structure of the gazebo, so the flowers can be hung on it, and also nailed on the wood that place on the floor then tie the rope with flower bottle with the wood that place on the floor, so the plants will not move around if there is heavy rain. After all the progress had done, we cleaned the bottle and water the flowers.


In conclusion, after i have done this voluntary work, i realise that simple thing may look simple, but the progress is not that simple, it required long time and members to finish this simple thing. Voluntary work need the willingness to do it, not everyone has the willingness to do voluntary work, some people may exist but the willingness may not be there. But what we can do is work hard, because the good things may not appear now, but time will proof our work hard one day. This work is quite fun because can spend time with group member and help one another.

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